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Aug 2022
August 2022

The Good Chat Podcast: Measuring Social Impact

In Episode 4 of 'The Good Chat', Sam and Antony caught up with Michael Lynch (Managing Director of Social Infrastructure Investment Partners) and Anna Ashenden Principal, Consulting with Social Ventures Australia) to discuss the crucial, albeit delicate balance between achieving social impact and maintaining sustainable, financial return - drawing on the projects facilitated by the Synergis Fund.

An investment fund focused solely on disability accommodation, the Synergis Fund was devised with a goal to set the standard for disability housing, ensuring all Australians have access to high quality, safe, stable, and appropriate housing options.

Helmed by Social Infrastructure Investment Partners (a joint venture between Social Ventures Australia and Federation Asset Management) the Synergis Fund unites wholesale investors with selected SIL and SDA providers (including Good Housing) to address and overcome the complexities in disability housing, ultimately yielding positive outcomes for both people with disabilities, and investors looking to enact positive social change.

In this informative round table talk, the team discuss the ways in which Social Infrastructure Investment Partners and Social Ventures Australia are working together with such organisations as Good Housing to advance and safeguard the future of disability housing in Australia - including the establishment of Australia's first Disability Housing Outcomes Framework.

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