The Good Chat Podcast: Lee Carpenter

In case you missed it, we're breaking ground (get it?) with the team at Scope Australia to celebrate our new homes in Hornsby, NSW!
To celebrate the construction of Blue Gum and Red Robin, Good Housing Co-Founders Sam Graiche and Antony Anisse caught up with Scope Australia Chief Growth Officer, Lee Carpenter for the second instalment of 'The Good Chat' Podcast Series.
With over 30 years' experience in the health and human services sectors, a wealth of knowledge and industry acumen, and a passion for supporting extraordinary members of our society, Lee was the perfect choice to lead Scope Australia's expansion into NSW, a move he generously detailed for us in our latest Podcast episode.
Here, Sam, Antony and Lee discuss our new homes: Blue Gum and Red Robin in Hornsby, the nuances of Robust housing, and the future of specialist disability accomodation and support provisions in Australia and beyond.
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