SDA Explained: Qualifying for an NDIS Plan

As a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, we understand that navigating the NDIS can be a complex and overwhelming experience. However, we are here to help make your journey a positive one.
So, what is the process for someone to qualify for an NDIS plan in Australia?
The process typically involves the following five (5) steps:
1. Eligibility: The first step is to check if the applicant meets the NDIS eligibility criteria. To be eligible, the applicant must have: a) A permanent and/ or significant disability b) Be between 7-65 years of age c) An Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa.
2. Access request: Once an applicant meets eligibility criteria, the next stage is to make an access request to the NDIS. This can be done by:
3. Planning meeting: Once the access request is accepted, the applicant will be invited to attend a planning meeting with an NDIS planner or local area coordinator. This meeting aims to discuss the applicant’s specific needs and develop an individualised support plan.
4. Support plan: The support plan outlines the applicant’s goals, needs, and the types of support they require. This may include funding for disability-related equipment, therapies, or services like support workers or personal care. The plan is reviewed regularly, and adjustments can be made as the applicant’s needs and goals change.
5. Implementation: Once the support plan is approved, the applicant can begin accessing the supports and services outlined in the plan. They can also choose which service providers they wish to work with, and how their funding is managed.
We hope these tips help you find the right disability accommodation.
Remember, taking your time and finding accommodation that meets your needs and preferences is important.
At Good Housing, we provide SDA that is not only accessible but also modern, comfortable, and personalised. We believe everyone has the right to have a place that feels like home. And it is our mission to deliver 300 smart and healthy SDA homes within the next five years - this is how we're empowering extraordinary lives.
If you or someone you know is looking for SDA, we would love to help. Our Tenant Empowerment team are knowledgeable and passionate about the needs of individuals and the complexities of finding the perfect home. Most importantly, we are passionate about making your journey a positive one.
So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today, and let's work together to empower extraordinary lives. Enquire now or contact us.
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